You’ll need to know the SR UUID for local storage that you’re migrating to, You can find this by running:
xe sr-list host={name of the host platform} name-label=Local\ storage params=uuid --minimal
(this is expecting a default of SR named Local storage).
You’ll also need to know the vm uuid which can be found running:
xe vm-list name-label={name of vm} params=uuid --minimal
Then you can run:
xe vm-migrate --live vm={vm uuid or name} remote-master={pool master name} remote-address={platform in pool you want to migrate to, name or uuid} remote-username=root remote-network={name of interface you want to use to transfer, I used xenbr1 because we didn't want to migrate over the management network} remote-password={root pw} destination-sr-uuid={SR uuid on platform you're migrating to}